Tag Archive: Names

  1. The War On.. Five Years, Dailymotion’s Superiority and Columns

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    March 25th 2009.. I named this show ‘Wednesday Night Delight’? Am I serious? What the fuck was I on when I came up with a name like that? The names didn’t get much better either.

    W is for Wednesday, Wrestlemania and …
    Wednesday, Wednesday, Happy Days. Wednesday, Wednesday, Happy Days.

    and many more shockers. Until one day, a title came along, that with a slight modification, would become the title that would last..

    August 5th 2009 – The War On Everything

    From then on, The War On Everything, became The War On… and it became a staple of BoredWrestlingFan.com, until it stopped because I stopped watching. Wrestling that is. Not the website. I explain it all here, in my Three Year Anniversary special.

    Anyways, as this is now Five Years since we started this shindig, I guess there’s only one thing to do..

    Cue the Opening


  2. RAW Tweeter of the Year Contest!


    Okay, so I was thinking yesterday that it may be nice to do something for the end of the year to make it up to everyone who has tweeted repeatedly throughout the year to be mentioned in the RAW Review.  You all make it more entertaining to read, so why not give back to you?

    So, here’s all you have to do: Vote for your favorite RAW Tweeter in the poll below, then click Vote.  The voting will end December 31st, and I’ll tally up the votes.  What do you get if you win, you ask?  I will buy you a t-shirt from WWEShop.Com!  I’ll announce the winner on my Twitter (@TheMizMagnet), and then the winner needs to DM me so their address and what shirt they want, and their size!  That’s all it takes!  I picked the names based on who I have seen tweet more than once.  SO!  Vote away!!

    Who should be the RAW Tweeter of the Year?
    pollcode.com free polls